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CSFF 2024

Opening Night
November 7, 2024
TIFF Lightbox

CSFF 2024 Opening Night

Canadian Premiere

Right to Fight

Screening with the Short Film

The Granny Grommets

Resized image of boxer Lady Tyger from the CSFF Opening Night film RIGHT TO FIGHT
Poster Image from 'The Granny Grommets' CSFF24 short doc about mature women surfers in Australia.

Opening Night Sponsor

Opening Night

Right to Fight

Canadian Premiere

Thursday, November 7, 7 p.m.
TIFF Lightbox, Cinema 3

In the late-1970s, a group of women in the US battled against the athletic commissions that sanctioned boxing matches and acted as gatekeepers to ensure that professional boxing remained a male bastion. The contributions of Marian “Lady Tyger” Trimiar, Cathy “Cat” Davis, and “Pretty” Pat Pineda to the sport’s history has long been hidden. But these trailblazers overcame sexism, racism, and homophobia in their battle for the right to fight.

2023, Documentary, United Kingdom
89 minutes


Director: Georgina Cammalleri

Right to Fight - Canadian Premiere

Square Image of Black female boxer Lady Tyger from the feature doc RIGHT TO FIGHT #CSFF24 Opening Night

Screening with

Square Image from 'The Granny Grommets' short doc about mature women surfers in Australia. CSFF 2024

The Granny Grommets

Every Friday morning, the Granny Grommets meet at Middleton Beach to catch a wave, turning the tide on what becomes expected of us as we age.

2023, Documentary, Australia
9 minutes


Director: Leah Rustomjee


Watch the trailers

Right to Fight - #CSFF24 Opening Night Feature

The Granny Grommets - #CSFF24 Opening Night short Film

Opening Night Sponsor